If I could just have a moment of your time

Tell the truth, what’s your first reaction when you see people standing outside your grocery store collecting money or certain door knocking religious types walking up your street? What do you do when someone taps you on the shoulder and asks, “if I could just have a moment of your time? Do you suddenly get a phone call you have to take right then? Does something of utmost importance suddenly become lost in your purse or pocket forcing you to look for it right then rather than making eye contact? “I’m sorry, I  just see you standing there ringing your bell because I needed that very important, um, critical…thingey that was stuck..in the …um, thingey.

During our board meeting this week I encouraged our amazing board members to develop their elevator speech about The Sparrow’s Nest. I wanted us to intentionally think through this exercise so we would be ready to share our ministry with anyone on a moment’s notice. I encouraged them to start by thinking of someone in their life that loves them unconditionally and without a doubt is proud of them. Then I asked them to think about what 3 words that person would use to describe them. Would it be beautiful, handsome,or  godly? What about  innovative, hard-working, or creative?

Chris Brogan comes up with 3 words each year rather than resolutions. He says he comes up with three words that will be his guiding pillars for what he will focus on in the coming year. On his blog he states “instead of resolutions, which don’t usually help me very much, I work hard on using these words as a lighthouse for my actions and efforts.”

If I could just have a moment of your time I’d like to share  my 3 words for The Sparrow’s Nest in 2011:




Now granted 2 of my 3 words are technically 2 words themselves but let’s get past that.:)


Everything we do at The Sparrow’s Nest is motivated by what has been done for us at the cross. We can show grace, mercy, and love because we have been given a full measure of grace, mercy, and love. We can share compassion, forgiveness, and peace because we have been shown compassion, forgiveness, and peace.


Whenever I talk with our incredible volunteers and board members, or share our mission with the community there is definite sense of positive anticipation and  a charge of electric excitement. I translate that energy into hope. We are hope filled not because we know without a doubt this mission will come to fruition in the near future but we are hope filled because we know we have an amazing opportunity to share this hope with those vulnerable and scared young girls. We are hope-filled because we know all of us working together will be able to transfer this hope to our community to make a lasting impact.


The Sparrow’s Nest is driven in 2011. We have a strong sense of urgency to get this ministry started. This does not mean at all that we will cut corners in any way. We will jump through any hoop we need to to and bound over any obstacle in our way but we will continue to push through with gazelle intensity to accomplish this goal. The sooner we get through all the protocol the sooner we can start helping those in need. The more people we have helping to reach this goal the quicker we can get going.

These are the 3 words I’ve chosen for The Sparrow’s Nest Maternity Home. We will continue to pray without ceasing. We will continue to follow the Holy Spirit. We will continue to be obedient to God’s calling.

What 3 words to do pick for yourself this year?

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